All rights reserved. 2009 Cambridge iGEM Team |
2009年英國劍橋大學iGEM 隊伍設計了名為"E. Chromi" 的計劃。他們設計了一系列敏感度調節器,令到用家可以改變啟動子的敏感度。這樣, 其他科學家可以容易使啟動子去感應某個濃度, 然後作出"啟動"或"不啟動"的反應。另外,劍橋隊認為用顏色去傳遞結果是既簡單又有用的方法,所以他們研究了會產生色素的基因,然後遞交了六個會產生顏色的基因生物磚(BioBrick)。
In the previous post, we introduced iGEM competition. Now, we would like to introduce a series of innovative and interesting iGEM projects.
To start our journey, it is the "E. Chromi" project from Cambridge iGEM Team 2009. They designed a set of sensitivity tuner which allowed users to "tune" the sensitivity of promoters. Then, scientists can use it to detect distinct concentrations of an inducer using just one promoter. Afterward, the promoter can give "on" or "off" response pattern. Besides, the Cambridge team came up the idea using visible color to convey the information. Therefore, they investigated the genomes for pigment-producing operons and submitted 6 BioBricks which can produce coloured pigments.
All rights reserved. 2009 Cambridge iGEM Team |