今年的iGEM過程中,我們有機會和南方科技大學(SUSTC)及香港中文大學(CUHK)交流。8月17日,SUSTC 的朋友來到香港科技大學;而8月24日我們則一同去到CUHK。我們相互介紹各自的計劃,也交換了一些做實驗的心得。除此之外,我們還一同用膳和遊覽大學,享受實驗室以外的歡樂。
This year our team had an opportunity to interact with other universities: South University Science and
Technology of China (SUSTC), and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). On August 17
SUSTC at our university. We hosted a semi-formal event where each team had a chance to present and
share its project. We also had a Q&A session after each project so that we could discuss the projects in
more detail. After the presentations, we ate lunch together and tour around our campus.
We also participated in a similar event in CUHK on 24
and SUSTC iGEM team participated.