除了跟大家介紹近年來有趣、吸引的iGEM Project,我們也希望向大家介紹HKUST iGEM Team 2013 的計劃。所以,我們設計了這段短片為大家簡介我們的計劃與目標。
Apart from introducing various interesting and attractive iGEM projects from previous iGEM teams, we would like to share our project with you too. Therefore, we design this short video to explain our project and target in a simple way.
Please enjoy the show!
跟大家用中文或英文分享更多關於合成生物學,我們在iGEM 比賽的點滴和所有與合成生物學有關有趣或具爭議性的事。 Share our knowledge in synthetic biology, our experience in iGEM and anything attractive and controversial of synthetic biology to all of you in Chinese and English.
iGEM wiki
iGEM 比賽其中一個重點就是每個隊伍都要設計一個wiki page 去介紹他們的project。剛過去的星期五是wiki freeze,即是每隊(亞洲、拉丁美洲、北美)也要完成他們網站的大日子!
如果你對我們的project 有興趣,不妨瀏覽我們的wiki。
One of the main point of iGEM competition is that every team need to design a wiki page to introduce their project. Last Friday was wiki freeze day, that means every team from Asia, Latin America and North America needed to finish their wiki page!
If you are interested in our project, please have a look on it!
如果你對我們的project 有興趣,不妨瀏覽我們的wiki。
One of the main point of iGEM competition is that every team need to design a wiki page to introduce their project. Last Friday was wiki freeze day, that means every team from Asia, Latin America and North America needed to finish their wiki page!
If you are interested in our project, please have a look on it!
合成生物學-生物安全; Synthetic Biology-Biosafety
We are honored to invite Prof. King Chow from HKUST to explain some of the issues related to synthetic biology such as bioethics and biosafety. Apart from appreciating how this new field of science can advance our society, we also need to be concerned and alert about how to apply synthetic biology safely.
We are honored to invite Prof. King Chow from HKUST to explain some of the issues related to synthetic biology such as bioethics and biosafety. Apart from appreciating how this new field of science can advance our society, we also need to be concerned and alert about how to apply synthetic biology safely.
Introduction to synthetic biology video
HKUST iGEM Team 製作這個博客的目的是向大家介紹合成生物學,因此我們設計了這段關於合成生物學的短片,以有趣、輕鬆的故事展示合成生物學。
One of the objectives of this blog is to promote synthetic biology to public. Therefore, we designed this short video to present synthetic biology in an interesting story.
Enjoy it~
One of the objectives of this blog is to promote synthetic biology to public. Therefore, we designed this short video to present synthetic biology in an interesting story.
Enjoy it~
Message from Doyle
我的iGEM 經驗跟我之前的研究經驗不同。在香港科技大學,iGEM Team 是由學生做主導。由構思到做實驗,每一樣都是由學生負責,advisors 也只會是作最少的指導。說實話,這真是很難,因為過程中我們要不斷排解故障。但是,這也開發了我的批判性思維和解難能力。有時候,隊員之間也會因有著不同的見解而作爭論,但是最後我們都學懂互相合作。我的iGEM經驗不只是侷限於實驗室內,我也有機會去接觸香港傑出的科學家。和其他隊員一起,我訪問了2個專家,了解我們計劃的可行性。整體而言,當我回想,這是個困難的經歷,但也是獲益良多。
My iGEM experience is different from other research experience that I had before. In HKUST, the iGEM team is mainly driven by students. From idea development to actual wet lab work, everything is conducted by students with minimal guidance from the advisors. Honestly, it was hard because we had to struggle through troubleshooting processes, but these steps helped me to develop critical thinking and methods to overcome problems. Sometimes there were arguments between members with different ideas, but ultimately we learned to collaborate with each other. My iGEM experience was not limited only in the laboratory environment. I had a chance to meet prominent scientists in Hong Kong society. With other members from the team, I have interview two experts to ask whether our project is feasible. Overall, when I look back, the experience was hard, but still very awarding.
My iGEM experience is different from other research experience that I had before. In HKUST, the iGEM team is mainly driven by students. From idea development to actual wet lab work, everything is conducted by students with minimal guidance from the advisors. Honestly, it was hard because we had to struggle through troubleshooting processes, but these steps helped me to develop critical thinking and methods to overcome problems. Sometimes there were arguments between members with different ideas, but ultimately we learned to collaborate with each other. My iGEM experience was not limited only in the laboratory environment. I had a chance to meet prominent scientists in Hong Kong society. With other members from the team, I have interview two experts to ask whether our project is feasible. Overall, when I look back, the experience was hard, but still very awarding.
大合照!!! Group photo shoot!!!
嘩! 和iGEM member 度過了差不多半年,一起上Tutorials, 一起做實驗室訓練,一起做實驗...... 終於, 我們有團體照了(和Professor Chow, Jessica & advisors)!
Wow! Being with iGEM members for almost half a year, we had tutorials, lab training and did experiments together. Finally, we have group photo shoot with our dearest Professor Chow, Jessica and advisors!
Wow! Being with iGEM members for almost half a year, we had tutorials, lab training and did experiments together. Finally, we have group photo shoot with our dearest Professor Chow, Jessica and advisors!
和南方科技大學和香港中文大學的交流 Collaboration with SUSTC and CUHK
今年的iGEM過程中,我們有機會和南方科技大學(SUSTC)及香港中文大學(CUHK)交流。8月17日,SUSTC 的朋友來到香港科技大學;而8月24日我們則一同去到CUHK。我們相互介紹各自的計劃,也交換了一些做實驗的心得。除此之外,我們還一同用膳和遊覽大學,享受實驗室以外的歡樂。
This year our team had an opportunity to interact with other universities: South University Science and
Technology of China (SUSTC), and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). On August 17 SUSTC at our university. We hosted a semi-formal event where each team had a chance to present and share its project. We also had a Q&A session after each project so that we could discuss the projects in more detail. After the presentations, we ate lunch together and tour around our campus. We also participated in a similar event in CUHK on 24 and SUSTC iGEM team participated.
This year our team had an opportunity to interact with other universities: South University Science and
Technology of China (SUSTC), and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). On August 17 SUSTC at our university. We hosted a semi-formal event where each team had a chance to present and share its project. We also had a Q&A session after each project so that we could discuss the projects in more detail. After the presentations, we ate lunch together and tour around our campus. We also participated in a similar event in CUHK on 24 and SUSTC iGEM team participated.
Country Profile
Development up to now has mostly been centered in the West, in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, with Japan being East Asia’s one of the early adopters. In more recent years, other East Asian countries have begun to participate on the international synthetic biology stage. But in comparison to western countries, synthetic biology in East Asian countries is still in its infancy. The result is a disparity in information available to the public about synthetic biology developments in these respective regions. In the interests of amending this situation, we present this document as a reference for progress in synthetic biology in the four East Asian countries/regions and one South East Asian country: Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Japan, and Indonesia. It includes investigations into research achievements, public perception, regulations and funding that we conducted using local online search engines and our native languages that will hopefully provide with the inside story.
We hope that you can know more about synthetic biology and biotechnology development through this profile.
香港 中國 日本 韓國 印尼 English version:
七彩細胞! Colourful cells!!!
All rights reserved. 2009 Cambridge iGEM Team |
2009年英國劍橋大學iGEM 隊伍設計了名為"E. Chromi" 的計劃。他們設計了一系列敏感度調節器,令到用家可以改變啟動子的敏感度。這樣, 其他科學家可以容易使啟動子去感應某個濃度, 然後作出"啟動"或"不啟動"的反應。另外,劍橋隊認為用顏色去傳遞結果是既簡單又有用的方法,所以他們研究了會產生色素的基因,然後遞交了六個會產生顏色的基因生物磚(BioBrick)。
In the previous post, we introduced iGEM competition. Now, we would like to introduce a series of innovative and interesting iGEM projects.
To start our journey, it is the "E. Chromi" project from Cambridge iGEM Team 2009. They designed a set of sensitivity tuner which allowed users to "tune" the sensitivity of promoters. Then, scientists can use it to detect distinct concentrations of an inducer using just one promoter. Afterward, the promoter can give "on" or "off" response pattern. Besides, the Cambridge team came up the idea using visible color to convey the information. Therefore, they investigated the genomes for pigment-producing operons and submitted 6 BioBricks which can produce coloured pigments.
All rights reserved. 2009 Cambridge iGEM Team |
甚麼是iGEM? What is iGEM??
提到合成生物學,就不得不提我們現在參與的國際基因工程機器大賽 (iGEM)。
iGEM 比賽是美國麻省理工大學創辦,關於合成生物科學的大專學生比賽。它提供了平台讓高中及大專學生體驗合成生物學,每個隊伍會利用基因去設計。因為越來越多院校參賽,所以在2011年增設了區賽 (亞洲、拉丁美洲、北美和歐洲)。在2011和2012年,iGEM亞洲區賽都是在香港科技大學舉辦。而2013 的亞洲區賽就在香港中文大學舉行(2013年10月4-6日)。大家可以來支持各個隊伍。
在過往的亞洲區賽,參加者分別來自不同的國家和地區,包括:中國、日本、澳洲、台灣、新加坡、印尼、南韓、香港、印度和哈薩克。來自亞洲不同地方的學生聚集在一起交流他們所設計的實驗。其中,透過演講,評判會對各組作出評價,再選出優秀的作品參加在美國麻省理工大學所舉辦的iGEM 冠軍大賽。
很多有趣的計劃在iGEM比賽中產生,例如:彩虹色的菌,香蕉味的菌, 砷探測器等。我們將在接下來的文章中簡介。
Do you know what is iGEM?
Its full name is International Genetically Engineered Machine competition or we call it iGEM.
iGEM competition is a premiere undergraduate synthetic biology competition founded in MIT. It provides platform for high school and university students to gain experience on synthetic biology. Because of the growing number of teams, regional jamborees for Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe were established.
In 2011 and 2012, the iGEM Asia Jamboree was held in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This year, the 2013 iGEM Asia Jamboree will take place in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In previous iGEM Asia Jamborees, there were participants from various countries and regions including China, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, India and Kazakhstan. Students from all around Asia gathered to share their projects to other students and instructors. A judge panel evaluated each project and selected the outstanding projects to be shared in the iGEM Championship that took place in MIT.
iGEM 比賽是美國麻省理工大學創辦,關於合成生物科學的大專學生比賽。它提供了平台讓高中及大專學生體驗合成生物學,每個隊伍會利用基因去設計。因為越來越多院校參賽,所以在2011年增設了區賽 (亞洲、拉丁美洲、北美和歐洲)。在2011和2012年,iGEM亞洲區賽都是在香港科技大學舉辦。而2013 的亞洲區賽就在香港中文大學舉行(2013年10月4-6日)。大家可以來支持各個隊伍。
在過往的亞洲區賽,參加者分別來自不同的國家和地區,包括:中國、日本、澳洲、台灣、新加坡、印尼、南韓、香港、印度和哈薩克。來自亞洲不同地方的學生聚集在一起交流他們所設計的實驗。其中,透過演講,評判會對各組作出評價,再選出優秀的作品參加在美國麻省理工大學所舉辦的iGEM 冠軍大賽。
很多有趣的計劃在iGEM比賽中產生,例如:彩虹色的菌,香蕉味的菌, 砷探測器等。我們將在接下來的文章中簡介。
Do you know what is iGEM?
Its full name is International Genetically Engineered Machine competition or we call it iGEM.
iGEM competition is a premiere undergraduate synthetic biology competition founded in MIT. It provides platform for high school and university students to gain experience on synthetic biology. Because of the growing number of teams, regional jamborees for Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe were established.
In 2011 and 2012, the iGEM Asia Jamboree was held in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This year, the 2013 iGEM Asia Jamboree will take place in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In previous iGEM Asia Jamborees, there were participants from various countries and regions including China, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, India and Kazakhstan. Students from all around Asia gathered to share their projects to other students and instructors. A judge panel evaluated each project and selected the outstanding projects to be shared in the iGEM Championship that took place in MIT.
There are a lot of interesting projects came up in previous iGEM competition. For example, a rainbow of pigmented bacteria, banana smelling bacteria and arsenic biosensor.
合成生物學簡介 Introduction of synthetic biology
簡單來說,在科學家發現了基因段落的生物學功能,他們就將不同作用的基因像積木一樣合併在一起(使用酶切或連接等技術),製作出一段原本不存在自然中的基因,發揮出科學家想要的功用。例如,我們可以從哺乳動物細胞和從植物細胞中取出基因,再合併在一起。而且,合成生物學家嘗試標準化基因,使其他科學家能更方便地使用和合併這些基因片段。(eg. BioBrick Foundation)
最後,這個Video 很生動地簡述了甚麼是合成生物學,你們不妨看看吧!
This blog is mainly about "synthetic biology" but do you know what it is?
Synthetic biology is a novel scientific field.
Simply said, when scientists discover the biological function of pieces of DNA, they can combine different DNA just like Legos (eg. with the use of digestion or ligation). Then, the fragments of DNA can be assembled into one piece which normally does not exist in the nature. That product can express function as scientists prefer. For example, we can extract DNA from mammalian cells and plant cells. Then, put them together. Besides, synthetic biologists try to standardize the gene and let other scientists use the gene in a more convenient way. (eg. BioBrick Foundation)
However, you may ask what is the application of this new field of science. It can actually be applied to agriculture, energy, manufacture and medical field and etc. For example, investigate synthetic biofuel or new drugs. We are going to share various researches in this blog.
Of course, there are different or more professional interpretation of synthetic biology. You can have a look of the suggested websites or search "synthetic biology".
At last, we would like to suggest this video to you. This animation describes synthetic biology in an interesting way.
簡單來說,在科學家發現了基因段落的生物學功能,他們就將不同作用的基因像積木一樣合併在一起(使用酶切或連接等技術),製作出一段原本不存在自然中的基因,發揮出科學家想要的功用。例如,我們可以從哺乳動物細胞和從植物細胞中取出基因,再合併在一起。而且,合成生物學家嘗試標準化基因,使其他科學家能更方便地使用和合併這些基因片段。(eg. BioBrick Foundation)
最後,這個Video 很生動地簡述了甚麼是合成生物學,你們不妨看看吧!
This blog is mainly about "synthetic biology" but do you know what it is?
Synthetic biology is a novel scientific field.
Simply said, when scientists discover the biological function of pieces of DNA, they can combine different DNA just like Legos (eg. with the use of digestion or ligation). Then, the fragments of DNA can be assembled into one piece which normally does not exist in the nature. That product can express function as scientists prefer. For example, we can extract DNA from mammalian cells and plant cells. Then, put them together. Besides, synthetic biologists try to standardize the gene and let other scientists use the gene in a more convenient way. (eg. BioBrick Foundation)
However, you may ask what is the application of this new field of science. It can actually be applied to agriculture, energy, manufacture and medical field and etc. For example, investigate synthetic biofuel or new drugs. We are going to share various researches in this blog.
Of course, there are different or more professional interpretation of synthetic biology. You can have a look of the suggested websites or search "synthetic biology".
At last, we would like to suggest this video to you. This animation describes synthetic biology in an interesting way.
大家好!!! Hello everyone!!!
大家好! 在iGEM 比賽進行得如火如荼之際,HKUST iGEM Team 希望藉著這個時間,將我們在過程中所學到,所感受到的與大家分享。
影響的學科,在亞洲區是比較少人知道。所以,我們希望能在這個平台,以大家熟識的語言,用簡短的文字或圖畫,與大家分享關於合成生物學、iGEM 的點滴。
Hello everyone! iGEM competition is in full swing at the occasion, HKUST iGEM Team would like to take this time share what we have learnt in the process and our experience with you.
Especially after we finish collecting information for our "Country Profile", we found that synthetic biology, a novel subject which will give great impact to the future scientific development, is still remain not well-known in Asian countries. So, we would like to make well use of this platform, use the language Hong Kong people familiarize with, short text or pictures to share with you regarding synthetic biology, iGEM competition.
影響的學科,在亞洲區是比較少人知道。所以,我們希望能在這個平台,以大家熟識的語言,用簡短的文字或圖畫,與大家分享關於合成生物學、iGEM 的點滴。
Hello everyone! iGEM competition is in full swing at the occasion, HKUST iGEM Team would like to take this time share what we have learnt in the process and our experience with you.
Especially after we finish collecting information for our "Country Profile", we found that synthetic biology, a novel subject which will give great impact to the future scientific development, is still remain not well-known in Asian countries. So, we would like to make well use of this platform, use the language Hong Kong people familiarize with, short text or pictures to share with you regarding synthetic biology, iGEM competition.
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